Well That Kinda Sucked

The Codex Sinaiticus.

I’ve been all excited that the Codex Sinaiticus has finally gone online.  I’ve been waiting for this for months now.

And wouldn’t you know it?  The whole part about Othniel, the judge I was named after, isn’t online (Judges 3:7-11).  I don’t know yet if it’s part of the Codex that just wasn’t scanned, but it looks like that section has deteriorated to the point where it just doesn’t exist anymore.

The Codex is considered to be the oldest Christian Bible in existence.  I know for a fact there are earlier versions sitting in the Vatican, but for the rest of us regular folks, the Codex Sinaiticus works just fine.

I was really hoping there’d be some edited passages about me or something in there.  Maybe that Othniel was the baddest bug killer of all time.  Instead, I got mugatz.