Operation Paperclip: Not Our Finest Hour

Before he became Homer Hickam's hero, Wernher von Braun was a major in the Waffen-SS.

As World War II was wrapping up in Europe, some of the big wigs at the War Department felt that the U.S. should take active steps to bring German intelligence and research to the U.S.

They were more worried that German scientists and intelligence would fall into Russian hands, and wanted to get them on U.S. soil before the Russians got them.

So on July 6, 1945 the Joint Chiefs of Staff approved Operation Overcast.  The original official logic was these minds would help save the lives of U.S. soldiers still fighting in the Pacific.  The program, however, went on for many years long after VJ Day.

When the security of the operation was compromised, the name of it was changed to Operation Paperclip.  The new name came from the practice in the War Department of adding “new” backgrounds and histories to the folders of Nazis.  You see, President Roosevelt initially said he didn’t want any Nazis or war criminals allowed in the program.  To get around this, the War Department would change, or “bleach,” the files of potential participants to remove any information proving them to be Nazis or war criminals.

These new fradulent documents were paperclipped onto the file folders, hence the new name for the operation.

I bring this whole topic up because not that long ago we had to deal with one of these Paperclip Nazis.  He had been “rescued” at the end of World War II because of his extensive knowledge of vampirism.  Unfortunately for a few guys, he was always a Nazi first, and even 60 years later, he chose Hitler over humanity.